Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.

Nor'easter Issue 9, Summer 2010


For copies of this issue, please e-mail us at noreaster (a) to check availability. If you'd like to support The Nor'easter on a more regular basis, consider becoming a monthly sustainer! As an all volunteer collective, we rely on groups and individuals for distribution and to cover our printing and shipping costs. You or your group can keep The Nor'easter going by becoming a monthly sustainer - get copies of every issue right when they're released, and help us know we have the support to keep on publishing. Options are available for $5, $10 and $20 a month. One-time orders or sustainer subscriptions can be made through PayPal from the Nor'easter main page.

Finally, thanks to everyone who contributed to Issue 9! We are now looking forward to Issue 10--the big Number 10! This issue will commemorate three years that the Nor'easter has been printing. We've come a long way, baby, and we plan for Issue 10 to pack the biggest punch of any issue yet. That said, we will be accepting submissions until Sept. 26. See submission guidelines below. We hope to hear from you!


Submission Guidelines/Word Limits (approx.):

News: 800 words
Feature: 2000 words
Opinion: 600 words
Reports: 400 words

Suggested topics for submission include:

Magazine-style journalism pieces
Reports from anarchist events and actions
Introductions and updates from NEAN-affiliated groups
Current events from your area or across the world
Articles need not be directly related to anarchism, but should be of interest to anarchists.

We strive to print quality journalism and to avoid sensationalism. Please adhere to standard news style when writing. Shorter news pieces follow the "inverted pyramid" structure, while feature pieces have more flexibility (think magazine style). Even features, however, must rely primarily on original sources. While secondary sources can be useful at times, we pride ourselves on printing well researched, original material.

We strongly encourage you to submit original high-resolution photos or illustrations with your article. If sending pictures or images, please include captions and credits.

Nor'easter editors are likely to edit articles for basic grammar, punctuation, clarity and length. Not all submissions are guaranteed to print.

The Nor'easter will include a calendar of events (local and otherwise), so let us know about any upcoming meetings, actions or whatever.

Send all submissions to noreaster-submissions (a)

The Nor'easter Collective

Off the press

More information

To order copies or become a sustainer, check the distribution page!

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Views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the ideas or opinions of the Northeast Anarchist Network or affiliated groups. Posts, comments and statements represent the individual user by which they are posted, or an individual or group cited within the text.